Dr. Lucy is a lifelong animal lover, educator, scientist, and writer. A board certified zoological medicine veterinarian, she treats all species. She has worked as a clinical veterinarian, educator, media consultant, writer, and zoo director. She is Founder and Executive Director of Creature Conserve. 


Dr Lucy recently co-edited a new book with poet Christopher Kondrich and fiction writer Susan Tacent. Creature Needs: Writers Respond to the Science of Animal Conservation is a polyvocal call to arms about animal extinction and habitat loss that harnesses the power of literature and scientific research to move us, and stir our hearts and minds, toward action and change. This book emerged from the work of Creature Conserve.

Art Can Save A Panda

In this presentation for TEDxProvidence, Dr Lucy makes the case for connecting the arts and sciences to improve conservation outcomes.

National Geographic Kids Animal Encyclopedia, 2nd edition

Dr Lucy worked with a group of experts to produce this beautiful new edition of the National Geographic Kids Animal Encyclopedia.

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Creature Conserve, Inc.

A non-profit organization founded by Dr Lucy dedicated to combining art with science to cultivate new pathways for wildlife conservation.

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What is it like to be a

Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarian?

Dr Lucy shares some insights about her love of animals, her profession, and her work in conservation.

Dr Lucy on PBS’ show, Arthur

Dr Lucy talks with a group of kids invited to tour a Creature Conserve exhibit - Urban Wildlife: Learning to Co+Exist - featured in the hit PBS television show, Arthur.